Building Networked Performances Using Node - MOXsonic 2020

  1. Getting set up for this workshop
  2. What is Node?
  3. Introduction to Node for Max
  4. Setting up local Node for Max client-server applications
  5. Creating a remote server on Heroku for your Node for Max client
  6. Using a web page interface

Introduction to Node for Max

Cycling ‘74 has some very useful GitHub repositories with many examples on how to use Node for Max. The core examples repo in particular is a great way to get started.

For the purposes of this workshop, we’ve condensed a handful of examples useful for basic communication and message handling into a single Max patch and a pair of Node scripts. Navigate to the “node4max-intro” folder in the workshop repo and open the “node4max-intro.maxpat” patch. Explore the “node4max-intro-handler.js” and “node4max-intro-types.js” scripts.