Building Networked Performances Using Node - MOXsonic 2020

  1. Getting set up for this workshop
  2. What is Node?
  3. Introduction to Node for Max
  4. Setting up local Node for Max client-server applications
  5. Creating a remote server on Heroku for your Node for Max client
  6. Using a web page interface

Getting set up for this workshop

This workshop will make extensive use of the command line. If you have never or rarely used the command line, never fear - we’ve all been there.

The default options for using the command line are Terminal on Mac and Command Prompt on Windows. The code blocks below (white text on a dark background) should be entered as-is into the command line and executed by pressing the return key.

First check to see if you have Git, Node.js, and Heroku installed:

git --version

node --version

heroku --version

If needed, install Git and/or Node.js.

We will be running Node examples locally (on your own computer for communication on a local network) and remotely (hosted on a server elsewhere for communication over the internet). If you would like to run the remote server example in this workshop, sign up for a free Heroku account and install Heroku.

We will also be using Cycling 74’s Max. If you don’t already own a license, a 30-day demo can be installed.

Finally, you should have a decent text editor installed for writing and editing Node scripts. If you don’t already have one, we recommend the free Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom.

Clone the workshop’s GitHub repository to a location on your computer:
git clone