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More Input Types

Buttons are the simplest form of control or input type. They present only one choice: to click or not to click, with no other information or decision-making required.

There are many other HTML input types and input-like elements that vary in complexity and intended application. Whenever possible, the type of input presented to the user should be the best fit for the information being collected.

This page provides an overview of some commonly used input types. A full reference for all valid input types can be found here.

In each of the examples below, click, change, or input event listeners are used to gather values.

Selection Controls

A selection control allows the user to choose from a group of predetermined choices. The selection control presented in the example below, radio buttons, is typically best for multiple-choice style questions in which only one choice can be selected at a time.

Some important things to note about radio buttons:

  • The name attribute given to the radio buttons groups them together so that only one can be selected at a time.
  • Each radio button is paired with a <label> element to provide instructions. The for attribute of each <label> should match the id of the corresponding radio button.
  • The value attribute should be gathered in JavaScript. It does not need to be the same as the <label> text.
  • Since there are multiple radio buttons in a set, each with its own id, it can be a tricky to find the value of a checked radio button in JavaScript. The recommendation is to use document.querySelector("input[type='radio']:checked") paired with a submit button.

See the Pen Selection Controls (IMS322 Docs) by Eric Sheffield (@ersheff) on CodePen.

List Controls

List controls allow users to select from a small set of text strings, each representing a command, object, or attribute. The dropdown menu in the example below is created using <select> tags instead of <input> tags. Each item in the dropdown menu is created by adding <option> elements as children.

Some important things to note about <select> dropdown menus:

  • Like radio buttons, the value attribute is what will be gathered in your JavaScript. This does not need to match the displayed text.
  • It is recommended to put instructions in the first <option> with an empty value, as this will be the first thing the user sees by default. This will also prompt the user to make a selection.

See the Pen List Controls (IMS322 Docs) by Eric Sheffield (@ersheff) on CodePen.

Entry Controls

Entry controls enable users to supply their own value. The most basic entry control is the <input> element with type attribute text (the default). However, there are other entry control types that may be better suited to certain data types. For example, the email type provides a simple way to check for valid email address formatting, while the number type includes increment and decrement buttons, as well as minimum and maximum attributes.

The placeholder attribute of entry controls is also very useful. Placeholder text can provide sample values or hints when the <label> alone is not sufficient.

See the Pen Entry Controls (IMS322 Docs) by Eric Sheffield (@ersheff) on CodePen.